Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Truly fantastic Noosa could be; this place has its own pace and shades of time that I haven't thought and experience in a sub-tropical setting like this. I have thought once that the recreation after a long busy day of work could be getting chilled at the pub, or hanging with friends, chatting with friends at a party night; but surfing the waves and viewing the panoramic scenery at the Noosa sub-tropical location is something truly remarkable and spectacular not to miss. Something that natural beauty has to offer. I'd say some of these picturisque features are breathtaking; natural beauty in its fulless. One thing that really amazes me is the hospitality that these kind and welcoming people put on everyday. It's kind of real easy and pleasant just to be with them and ask for directions and how this and that came about. An enjoyable and momentous experience for me and my family.

One legacy that would bring me all the liveliness and memories of Noosa is the magic that this place can offer a genuine sense of refreshness; something that I would look for after a long day of pressure and seriousness in a compitative working environment. Check out for yourself at www.noosa.com/ and experience the most pleasant beauty that Queensland has to offer.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

From the Land of Fantasy

Bomberella is comes to you from the land of fantasy where things may not be as they seem. She may be on the side of what’s right and what’s good but then again in a dark moment of fear and reaction she could just as easily turn into something that is far removed from your ideals.

Her secret name is Buttercup and that sends a message in itself but is it the right message? Is she sweet and innocent and someone to be loved and cherished rather than feared? Only time will tell as the story unfolds and the truth is brought to the light.